Date: 26 February 2009, 12:00 - 12:00
Location: Manchester Town Hall
Crunch Time: Challenges for the Construction Industry during the Recession
Date: 26 February 2009, 12:00 - 12:00
Location: Manchester Town Hall
Crunch Time: Challenges for the Construction Industry during the Recession Some commentators have suggested that during the current recession there will be an emphatic return to lowest bid, single-stage tendering and that progress towards sustainability will be abandoned. If the recession is prolonged, what impact will this have on the industry in the medium term. What measures can be taken to mitigate against the worse impacts? Four speakers will give their views from a variety of perspectives. You are invited to join us and ensure that your viewpoint is heard at what promises to be a lively event. The evening will commence with a Drinks Reception. Speakers Professor Peter Hibberd – Chair of the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) “The potential impact of the recession on the client – supplier relations and the structure of the industry” Kelly Forrest – Construction Economist, Sense Cost Consultancy “What evidence is there so far” John Lorimer – Capital Programme Director, Manchester City Council “Responding to the recession – using procurement to help mitigate the worst impacts” Stephen Underwood – Director of Strategy Development and Business Improvement, Kier Group plc. “Feasible strategies for contractors”