Countryside picks up North Leigh project
Acting on behalf of North Leigh Park Group, CBRE has sold a 178-acre site in North Leigh with outline consent for 1,800 homes to housebuilder Countryside.
The site, to the south east of Wigan, comprises mostly vacant land and is bordered by two main roads, the A577 to the north and A578 to the west with Westleigh High School to the south east of the site.
CBRE announced its appointment to market the scheme in February this year. The scheme had previously been promoted by North Leigh Park Group, part of Guernsey-based Long Port Properties, but Long Port put the business, along with several other subsidiaries, into administration with Deloitte in December 2016.
Earlier in 2016, detailed consent had been secured for a 162-home first phase off Nel Pan Lane.
Along with the homes, the £310m scheme as a whole has outline consent for up to 18 acres of employment land, retail, and around 44 acres of strategic green infrastructure.
Residential is the main sell, though, with the development able to link in to existing facilities offered in Leigh, Hindley Green, Atherleigh and Wigan. The indicative masterplan provides for a mix of apartments, terraced, semi-detached and detached housing to meet local demand and affordability.
Steven Verity, senior director in CBRE’s Manchester development team, said: “The site presented a strong opportunity for Countryside to deliver a new, sustainable community which when complete will inevitably contribute to the borough’s housing needs and wider employment and economic aspirations.”
Are there going to be more houses built on our green belt land without schools nurseries GP surgeries clinics roads etc and don’t get me onto the upheaval of putting in the utilities and the roadworks
By Karen Harvey
Just bought a new house with lovely views of NATURE. Why ruin it? I love walking past all the horses and the wildlife. Thanks for that. I suppose I’ll sell my house. Ridiculous.
By Roseanne Grundy
Roseanne Grundy – your new house was probably fields at one point as well
By Anonymous
Roseanne Grundy oh the irony. You have just bought a new house , so you wasn’t bothered about green belt whilst purchasing your place but now want no more houses to be built in case it spoils your view. How funny
By Ian wintergreen
@Roseanne Grundy
I suppose your house – complete with its lovely views of NATURE – must have emerged fully-formed from the landscape at the end of the last ice age, rather than being built by someone? Ridiculous…
By Dennis Nails
Roseanne, this Site may look green but has been the subject of heavy former Industrial use over the last 150 years or so;- Brickworks, Collieries, Rail Infrastructure, Bone Works & Sewage Works to name a few.
Good on Countryside for having the appetite to tackle it !
By Tha' knows
I don’t know why they call themselves Countryside as it’s the only thing they are ruining. There are an abundance of animals etcetera on that land. Deer, hedgehog, newts, squirrels, birds of all types, and fish, what are they going to do just fill in the pond,Delpth and floods in and kill them all. It’s an area that alot of people feel should not be being touched. Yeah good on them to ‘tackle’ it, whatever it is…the homes of all the wildlife, yeah good one. All money making and greed!
By Anonymous
more traffic, great!!
By Anonymous
This was a lovely little nature reserve where I would go to walk the dog and enjoy piece and quiet away from all the noise and hassle of modern life.
All my life I have walked these fields.
Well done Wigan council for allowing more of our Greenland space to disappear.
By Chris