Colliers CRE: North West care homes charge low rent
Care homes in the North West have recorded the second lowest regional figure in the UK, according to a new report released by Colliers CRE.
Figures in Colliers' Care Homes Review state on average the charges are £475/week, compared to £511 in the North East and £834 in Greater London.
The overall average profit margin in the North West for all types of care homes was 32% which is identical to the national average.
The greatest outlay for care home operators continues to be payroll costs which were over 50% nationally for both nursing and residential homes for the second year running. The figure for the North West stands at 52.6%.
The report stated this will continue to be the case for the second half of 2008, due to rising national minimum wage and holiday contributions.
For rent it should read weekly fee rate. The average fee includes those fees that cover personal and nursing care for over 65’s and not any other type of care etc
By grimley_158