Cheshire East seeks highways partner
The local authority is looking to appoint a partner for a 15-year highways management framework, which will be worth an estimated £600m.
The contract will not be divided into lots, and will include a break clause at eight years, at which point the council may terminate the agreement.
The council is looking to appoint a service provider to manage the council’s highways network and associated property, with services comprising:
— Asset management and lifecycle planning of the highway network
— Management and permitting of the highway network
— Design of maintenance programmes and improvement schemes
— Engineering, technical, project management and advisory services related to the highway network
— Routine maintenance of carriageway, footways, cycleways and car parks
— Public rights of way works
— Flood protection works
— Public realm works
— Routine maintenance of bridges, culverts and other structures
— Routine maintenance of fencing, barriers, vehicle restraint systems, signs, road markings and street furniture
— Routine maintenance of highway drainage systems and other drainage assets
— Routine maintenance of highway verges, hedges, trees and other landscaped areas
— Routine maintenance of street lighting and other illuminated installations
— Winter maintenance including precautionary salting and ice/snow clearance for the highway network
— Emergency response to incidents on or affecting the highway network
— Planned maintenance including patching, surfacing, surface treatments, reconstruction and reinstatement of the highway network
— Construction of improvement schemes for the highway network up to an estimated value of £5m per individual project.
Expressions of interest must be declared by 25 September.