CA Tax reaches 3,000 claims milestone
Altrincham-based capital allowances specialist CA Tax Solutions has completed its 3,000th claim for tax rebates and reductions, but warns landlords that the rules around claims will probably be changed next year.
Mark Tighe, managing director of CA Tax Solutions, said: "When we launched the business four years ago we set targets that we have consistently exceeded year after year.
Tighe continued: "It is estimated that around £1.7bn of tax claims will become unclaimable when the new government restrictions come into force next year. I urge any owner or advisor to owners of commercial property to explore the possibilities before they are lost forever. Under current legislation CA Tax Solutions can make retrospective claims virtually without limit. This means that if an owner acquired a piece of property, say, 15 years ago we can make the claim on his behalf."
Claims are made on the cost of plant and machinery and can reach 25% of the price of the building.
Tighe added: "From next April that opportunity will be lost forever as the changes will mean that claims can only be made on current year acquisitions. We are proud to be able to claim that no client of CA Tax Solutions suffers an in-year cash flow disadvantage by using our services as our fees are structured to ensure that they are less than the rebates and tax-savings accrued."
- Contact Shaun Marsden on 0800 009 3042 quoting reference PNW1 for a fast-track evaluation.