Bramall gains more North Wales housing work
Bramall Construction has secured a new contract with Flintshire County Council to improve the quality of homes in North Wales.
Part of Keepmoat group, the community regeneration specialist, which has offices in Flintshire, Liverpool and Manchester, was awarded a £1.5m contract to bring 450 properties up to the Welsh Housing Quality Standard across the county.
The package of work includes installing modern new kitchens to tenants' properties whilst giving them six designs and colour schemes to choose from.
Bramall anticipates taking on new apprentices as part of the scheme in the coming months and said it is committed to using local labour and suppliers to invest in the local economy.
Steve Parrington, area director for Bramall Construction, said: "This contract helps cement our strong working partnership with Flintshire County Council and we are very proud to be playing such an important role in improving the quality of homes in North Wales.
"We will continue our commitment to creating apprenticeships where possible and employing local labour as part of this scheme."
Last year, Denbighshire County Council selected Bramall for a £1.5m job bringing 200 council houses up to the Welsh Housing Quality Standard.
Flintshire County Council has also employed Bramall Construction to bring 50 properties up to the Welsh Housing Quality Standard complete with disabled adaptations in the past.