BDP/TCS gain carbon neutral status for new HQ

Town Centre Securities and BDP are buying carbon credits in the Sichuan Hydro Power Project in China to offset CO2 emissions from BDP's new Manchester office in Piccadilly Basin.

The BDP office has now been approved by the Carbon Neutral Company as generating net zero carbon dioxide emissions after the China calucations are taken into consideration.

The Sichuan project, in a remote and mountainous region of China, operates four run-of-river power plants that displace energy generated by fossil-fuel power plants and will produce reductions of an estimated 360,000 tonnes of C02 equivalent between 2006 and 2012.

Richard Lewis, property director of Town Centre Securities, said: "The BDP building already holds the highest BREEAM rating of 'excellent', is home to the city centre's first 'living' roof and has won several awards for its sustainable construction and development. The Carbon Neutral development accreditation also ensures continued sustainability throughout its occupancy."

Stephen Redfern, business director at BDP, said: "BDP's building gives expression to many of the themes that have been present in our work over the decades, such as sustainability and creating places for people. Our office, one of the first buildings in Manchester to be certified Carbon Neutral during construction and occupation for the first 20 years of tenancy, shows how quality architecture can work hand in hand with sustainability."

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